inspire + illuminate + integrate

femme INspiratrice

A femme inspiratrice - or a person who when you are near them makes you feel as though you want to create, they ignite a fire of inspiration inside of you - Rita embraces various forms of play to encourage collective creation. The newest development of play was inspired by the loss of her brother, Rudy. Moving through the human experience of grief, nourished the sprouting seeds of Rita’s relationship with Flower Mandalas. It was through this organic process of devotion that she felt herself attune and align with her purpose. She has continuously been inspired to create using flowers as her medium. 

Rita’s 10+ years of experience as a yoga instructor has humbly given her the understanding that we are all healing from something. She is a co-creator of sacred spaces and experiences. The experiences she weaves, in all the various shapes they take, are intentionally molded so that folks may access an embodied experience of love, acceptance, and understanding. Whether you choose to move through a 1:1 Restorative Wellness Experience or bathe in the medicine of a thoughtfully curated Flower Mandala, Rita moves with a gentle intention that honors the importance of ritual.  To move through the earth with intention and selfless acts of love is at the core of every single one of us.

In loving service, Rita 


  • Mandala Mija

    I bring the bloom to every room. Creating environments to revive, revitalize, and reignite your soul.


    A transformative experience through a trauma informed lens. A full body wellness practice for your attunement.

  • Floral Arrangements and Weddings

    Design your next event with me! Bachelorette experiences with Mandala Mija and Edge of Zen compilations.

  • 1:1 Restorative Somatic Sessions

    I create a 1:1 transformational experiences through a trauma informed lens. Heal to reveal.


“When women reassert their relationship with their wildest nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, creator, an inventor, and a listener who guides, suggests, and urges a vibrant life in the inner and outer worlds.

When women are with the Wild Woman, the fact of that relationship glows through them. This wild teacher, wild mother, wild mentor supports their inner and outer lives, no matter what.”

“The Wild Woman carries the bundles for healing; she carries everything a woman needs to be and know. She carries medicine for all things. She carries stories, dreams, words, songs, signs, and symbols. “She is both the vehicle and the destination.”

According to Clarissa Pinkola Estes an inspiratrice is: “a person who when you are near them makes you feel as though you want to create. The person that has the gift of being an inspiratrice will fire up other people to not conform but to perform. To perform the greatest creative deeds in life according to their soul’s sides.”

Discover a practice that makes you Feel Embodied



e · x · p · a · n · s · i · v · E

Make space for yourself