"It is in complete devotion and honor to be alive in this body"



Hi, I am Rita, the daughter of Rodolfo and Consuelo and the granddaughter of Lorenza and Arturo. This is a little about me and the journey I have been on to complete what I believe is the work inside all of us…  Soulwork, the journey of uncovering, discovering and discarding what isn’t mine in order to expand into this world and live a life comfortably in my own skin.  

When I was growing up in Los Angeles surviving my teen years, I was terribly bullied and threatened which led me right into a marriage of an emotional and mental abuser.   As a result of this traumatization I turned to alcohol to help myself cope, survive, and soothe my nervous system. In my late 30’s after getting support for my alcoholism and becoming sober,  my “why” began to reveal itself. 

Finding yoga was pivotal in shifting my entire way of being.  I dove deeper into my own story and behind the veils was shame, guilt and suffering.  One of my treasured teachers, Dr. Gabor Maté refers to this inner work as compassionate inquiry.  Love that!

Having been given a second chance at living, today I choose transparency, vulnerability and authenticity.  These characteristics are innately inside each and everyone of us, covered by layers of protection.  I support and guide women back to their hearts, and reveal their greatest loves, the wisdom woven within each of us.  Our why. 

I had to unbecome, and unlearn years of conditioning and patterning due to a dysregulated nervous system.  Becoming again, starting again, falling down, embodying the new and integrating all the parts of me to this very moment.   I have been on the edges of zen and don’t ever want to forget the gratifying work it has taken to be here. 

Here is to us all finding our woven wisdom within
