
Restorative Somatic Sessions

Trauma is energy locked in the body, and the nervous system. It stems from any type of distressing event or experience that can have an impact on a person’s ability to cope and function. Unresolved, and unregulated it can disrupt the natural flow of the mind/body connection.   

Leaving us open to repeating patterns, stuffed until an event, a sound, a word, or a person awakens them. My experience was just this way, my trauma was surfacing, awakened in my body and I no longer had the capacity to override what had been stuffed for years.  I was hypervigilant, fragile and exhausted. My mode of operation was freezing. This pattern repeated itself for several years until I became curious, and began investigating the root of my issues.  I became my own advocate and shortly after, I began studying with Katie Brauer, Lauren Duke, Dr. Peter Levine, and Gabor Mate.  

When our mind and body perceive a threat, our nervous system responds by activating the flight, fight, or freeze response. Our ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) is always on the lookout for a perceived threat. Our human day to day existence is full of daily causes to stir up traumas or PTSD repeatedly. We have become socially conditioned to learn how to override these emotional breaks in the road until our bodies and mind no longer have the capacity to.  

The Restorative Somatic Sessions I offer at Four Moons Spa give you the opportunity to have a new experience with an old experience or an unconscious one. It can range from childhood trauma, anxiety, PTSD, old narratives and stories we replay from experiences that impacted us heavily at any given time period in our lives.  RSS are grounded in choice, through a trauma informed lens. You will be supported, guided, and supplied with tools to regulate your nervous system. Devoted to curiosity, and compassion to have a more resourced, connected, human experience.  One that is not shadowed by our pain, yet the very essence of it, and how we move through it by using the tools of Somatic Experiencing® and Compassionate Inquiry.

My hope with my offering is to guide you back to your optimal attunement. Leaving behind patterns of protection that may no longer serve you as a whole, and give you the space to discharge energy that did not come to completion on its own. 

I am a master at holding space for people to soften safely, and to be seen.  I will guide you through the forest so that you can see the trees again.  

Types of Trauma

  • Abuse

  • Assault

  • Car accident

  • Death of a loved one

  • Divorce

  • Family or parental abandonment

  • Imprisonment

  • Job loss

  • Natural disasters

  • Physical injury

  • Serious illness

  • Terrorism

  • Violence

  • Witnessing a crime, accident

Resources for self-regulation

  • Notice your surroundings

  • Shift your gaze slowly from right to left

  • Gently connect with your body by squeezing your shoulders and moving down your arms.

  • Get outdoors if possible

  • Lastly, Breathe

These are just a few, there are many more tools available to guide you on your path.  

by Rita James, Yoga Instructor + Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

